I’ve just read a pretty scary article in The Independent newspaper which says that people who spend many hours of the day seated (at their desks or on the couch watching TV) are increasing their risks of ill health (and early death) — regardless of exercise at other times. This quote sums it up: The …
Tag archives: exercise
Taking care of dem bones
My last post was triggered by my husband Vito being diagnosed with Deep Vein Thrombosis. Since then (last Friday, to be exact), my lovely Mum has fallen and fractured the neck of her femur. She’s had an operation and is now going through painful physiotherapy and rehabilitation. My mum’s 85 and has become very frail …
Keeping healthy at your desk
My husband’s just been diagnosed with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and has come home from the outpatient’s department with a well-designed, simply-written care and information pack. Flicking through the Patient Information Booklet, I found the following DVT-prevention exercises, similar to the ones recommended for airline passengers. I thought they might be useful for all of …
Fit for…
I had a bad cold last week and had to miss my exercise classes and walks (I’ve given up jogging as it’s murder on my knees and too much like hard work). I’m a member of the gym at Glasgow University’s Garscube Complex and greatly enjoy the classes. It’s probably a combination of good instructors …