Parts of the UK have been having horrible weather for the last few days, with flooding and, in Aberdeen, a weird seafoam* invading the Footdee neighbourhood, while is well worth a visit, by the way (preferably without foam). Here in Bearsden, just north of Glasgow, however, it’s a beautiful day. *(or “spume”, from the Latin spuma. This …
Tag archives: Macs
Macs. Thank you.
I’ve been a Macintosh user since 1987 — the photo above shows my very first Mac and the one I’m using now. I bought the first one purely for its size — we lived in a 2-room flat and I needed a computer that would fit on the desk in the corner of our living/dining …
A blizzard of books (1)
I don’t know whether to be delighted or dismayed. Peachpit Press has published new titles by Robin Williams. Dismayed, because I’m in the middle of a clear-out and decluttering exercise that involves tens if not hundreds of books that I’ve accumulated over many years. And I’ve just splashed out on cut-price books at Borders, so I …